Langkawi, 31st May 2022 – GeoWalk Programme held in conjunction with the 15th Anniversary Celebration of Langkawi UNESCO Global Geopark (LUGGp) features participation from Langkawi Geopark Guide Club, Geopark Ambassadors, Geopark Partners, and the local community.

This group has started their 90-km walking mission around Langkawi Island, which is scheduled to take place in 24 hours, crossing over 15 different geosites. Bearing the mission’s spirit ‘Geopark: GeoWalk for Healthy Tourism’, this programme is thus hoped to motivate more parties in mobilising various geopark agenda on this island. The programme began at 10.00 a.m. on 31st May and is expected to end also at 10.00 a.m. on the following day, 1st June 2022 at LADA Complex.