28 March 2024 (Thursday) – Alhamdullillah the breaking of fast program with the concept of ‘picnic’ is completed for the first time in Chenang Square, Langkawi.

Over 1,000 committee members, volunteers, community and tourists attended to brighten the program. The atmosphere of the mass breaking fast could be felt like the breaking fast program in Madinah, Kuala Lumpur, Putrajaya and other major cities. However, the atmosphere in Langkawi is more unique with the participation of local and international tourists together with locals.

Congratulations to a few people from the Langkawi community who were willing to help the administration voluntarily serve food, may Allah reward you. The highest appreciation is also expressed to LADA’s strategic partners in this program namely Majlis Perbandaran Langkawi Bandaraya Pelancongan , Giat MARA Langkawi, USAHANITA Langkawi, White Eagle, SADA, Polis Langkawi , Tourism Malaysia Langkawi and others.

Man can only plan, Allah decides, the weather is not on your side on the day of the event. The LADA party is ‘aware’ of the unstable weather issue of the day and has prepared with a plan B which is the distribution of food only to the public. Apologies for any shortcomings and improvements will be made in the future. God willing. The rain that falls is also a blessing from Allah SWT to water the land of Langkawi that has been dry for a long time

Whatever happens, you guys who participate in this program are cool. All praise is due to Allah.