Langkawi, 21st April 2022 – Ramadhan ‘Tazkirah’ (brief talk revolving on religious reminders) Programme 2022 organised by Langkawi Development Authority (LADA) through Training and Competency Unit (ULK), Human Resource and Management Services Division (BSMKP) is continued today with a sharing on the topic “Ramadhan The Month of Al-Quran and Lailatul Qadr”.

This time, the invited presenter YBhg. Ustaz Suhaimi bin Md Shuib enlightened the whole audience who were also LADA staff on the virtues of Ramadhan. According to him, the month is filled with blessings and special gifts for all Muslims. Specifically, the gifts come in the forms of ‘taqwa’ (piety) nurtured in the soul as well as rewards and forgiveness that Allah swt has prepared for His servants throughout this blessed month. Hence, Ustaz Suhaimi had also reminded all LADA staff and Muslims in general to reflect if these gifts could be obtained by observing how many ‘ibadah’ has everyone managed to perform hitherto in this Ramadhan.

In addition, this ‘tazkirah’ programme was also interactively conducted with Q & A sessions between the presenter and the audience. Some of the topics discussed revolved around ‘fiqh ibadah’ (Islamic jurisprudence on acts of worship and servitude) such as on cleanliness and fasting. Ustaz Suhaimi also shared a few ‘du’a’s (supplication) that can be recited during Ramadhan, including one on attaining ‘Lailatul Qadr’, a special night wherein rewards for acts of worship and servitude are immeasurably magnified and worth better than being performed for more than 1000 months or 83 years.

May everyone involved benefit from all the sharing throughout this ‘tazkirah’ session.
