Project site visit by YBrs. Tuan Haji Zairi bin Mat Ali, Under-secretary of the Remuneration Policy and Management Division (RPM), Ministry of Finance Malaysia to the site of the work project to upgrade the MIEC hall, Langkawi and the construction of the student dormitory building, cafeteria and other facilities at the Langkawi Tourism Academy (LTA) @ Langkawi Community College.

The project site visit was also attended by YBrs. Tuan Wan Kamarul Faisal bin Wan Kamardin, Deputy Chief Executive Officer of the Planning and Development sector (TKPE PP), Langkawi Development Authority (LADA), accompanied by the manager of the Technical Engineering, Finance, and Delivery Management Office. Officials from the Langkawi District Public Works Department (JKR) and contractors for both projects were also present.

This project site visit aims to see the latest project progress, whether it is on schedule or behind schedule.