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Integrity Unit

In selection through tender, regulations on declaration have clearly stated that if an officer involved has a direct/indirect interest, therefore he must be excluded from the selection meeting. What about problem in selection through quotation process?

In selection through quotation, regulations determined in selection through tender must also be complied with. If an officer is aware that a quotation submitted to him is from an individual who has a direct/indirect interest with him, therefore he must declare himself and allow the selection decision to be conducted by a completely neutral [...]

In selection through tender, regulations on declaration have clearly stated that if an officer involved has a direct/indirect interest, therefore he must be excluded from the selection meeting. What about problem in selection through quotation process?2021-12-05T12:21:52+08:00

What is the Offence of Power Abuse? [Section 23 MACC Act 2009]

A public officer or member of a public or government body uses his position or the office in making a decision or taking action for the interest of himself, his relative, or associate. Example: A public officer uses his position or the office to approve a government tender in exchange for a sum of [...]

What is the Offence of Power Abuse? [Section 23 MACC Act 2009]2021-12-05T12:21:26+08:00

What are the Offences of Soliciting/Receiving Gratification (Bribe)? [Section 16 & 17(a) MACC Act 2009]

Any individual or agent corruptly soliciting or accepting any gratification as an inducement or a reward for doing or forbearing to do any act in relation to his principal’s affairs or business. Example: A public officer has been accused of soliciting and accepting gratification from a contractor of development project on a land spanning [...]

What are the Offences of Soliciting/Receiving Gratification (Bribe)? [Section 16 & 17(a) MACC Act 2009]2021-12-05T12:20:12+08:00

What is the Offence of Intending to Deceive (Providing False Claim)? [Section 18 MACC Act 2009]

A public officer provides claim documents such as receipts or invoices that are false or contain false details with the intention to deceive the principle (office). Example: A public officer submits a faked overtime claim and could be convicted to imprisonment for a term not exceeding 20 years and a fine of RM 10,000 [...]

What is the Offence of Intending to Deceive (Providing False Claim)? [Section 18 MACC Act 2009]2021-12-05T12:18:25+08:00

Types of corruption offences according to Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission Act 2009 (MACC Act 2009)?

According to MACC Act 2009 (Act 694), the four (4) main categories of corruption offences are: i. Soliciting/Receiving Gratification (Bribe) [Section 16 & 17(a) MACC Act 2009] ii. Offering/Giving Gratification (Bribe) [Section 17(b) MACC Act 2009] iii. Intending to Deceive (Providing False Claim) [Section 18 MACC Act 2009] iv. Using Office or Position for [...]

Types of corruption offences according to Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission Act 2009 (MACC Act 2009)?2021-12-05T12:17:12+08:00

What is bribery?

In general, bribery is the act of giving or receiving gratification in the form of cash or valuables as reward for doing an action that is related to an individual’s field of task. Example: A contractor presents a luxury watch to a government servant as an inducement to approve a project which belongs to the [...]

What is bribery?2021-12-05T12:15:22+08:00
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