Langkawi, 29th July 2023 – Langkawi Development Authority (LADA) has organised the Slaughtering Course with the Langkawi Community 2023 in collaboration with the District Religious Office (PAD), Langkawi District Veterinary Services Office and Masjid Aishah (Mosque), Sungai Menghulu, Langkawi. This programme has received an encouraging response from the Langkawi community, with a total of 89 participants, consisting of local residents and representatives from mosques around the Langkawi district. The sacrificial animals including 4 goats, 75 chickens and 13 ducks were provided by the mosque for the course.

The objective of organising this programme is to provide participants with an understanding of the concepts of halal and haram from an Islamic perspective and to strengthen their understanding of halal and toyyiban (safe and hygienic) slaughtering principles. Furthermore, through this programme, participants were given both theoretical and practical exposure to the methods of animal slaughtering in accordance with Islamic guidelines and to laws and regulations related to halal slaughtering. Additionally, this programme was also held in conjunction with the celebration of Eid al-Adha, which was celebrated on the 10th of Zulhijjah.
